3676 Delaware Drive Fremont CA 94538,US
7vermaraj@gmail.com 5106590655
Starts from $ 500.00
Saraswati Hall, with an area of 1500 square feet is equipped with a large stage that can accommodate a large Mandap and Homa Kundam for carrying out the wedding and other ceremonies. It can comfortably seat 100 in lecture style. Dining tables and chairs are provided per your event needs. Often, renters have found it convenient to conduct large weddings here, cook in the Kitchen and set up dining facilities in the adjacent Hall.
For catering purposes, please email templeadmin@fremonttemple.org
There is No Refund Policy
3676 Delaware Drive Fremont, CA 94538,US
Vedic Dharma Samaj is a non-profit, tax exempt religious (501 (C) 3 Tax Exempt 94-2742511) organization. It is dedicated to serve the religious and cultural needs of the Hindu community.
Starts from $ 500.00
Saraswati Hall, with an area of 1500 square feet is equipped with a large stage that can accommodate a large Mandap and Homa Kundam for carrying out the wedding and other ceremonies. It can comfortably seat 100 in lecture style. Dining tables and chairs are provided per your event needs. Often, renters have found it convenient to conduct large weddings here, cook in the Kitchen and set up dining facilities in the adjacent Hall.
For catering purposes, please email templeadmin@fremonttemple.org
There is No Refund Policy
3676 Delaware Drive Fremont, CA 94538,US
Vedic Dharma Samaj is a non-profit, tax exempt religious (501 (C) 3 Tax Exempt 94-2742511) organization. It is dedicated to serve the religious and cultural needs of the Hindu community.